Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Think

I think  - as much as I'm having a great day doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that my heart is heavy.

I think - he is smiling, watching his buddies golf at the Kev King Memorial Free Pass Open, where they will laugh, remininisce, drink good beers, eat amazing food (thanks Nice Guy and Tim) and just be together.  His favorites.

I think -  they will raise money today for his children, not because his children need it but because they don't know what else to do.

I think - that as much fun as they all are having, they'd stop it all in a single breath to have him back. Even if for just one more minute.

I think - when I saw his mom and dad last week, it was all I could do to not start bawling in the middle of the produce aisle.  (If that was fifteen minutes of the day when they weren't crying, I wasn't going to be the one who got them started.)  When I hugged his dad, it was the closest I'd gotten to the world famous Kev King hug in a few years.  I miss it.

I think - his wife is the strongest person I know.  I am in awe of her. 

I think - his parents and brother have a hole in their hearts that is unimaginable.  But they do it for him.

I think - it is indescribable that his dear sweet children are so young.  It makes me so angry.  But he, of all people, wouldn't want us to be angry.

I think - on my run today, my tears were a result of so many thoughts swirling in my mind thinking of him, it hurt me to think.

I think - my husband, who is undoubtedly one of the goofiest folks around, thinks of him every day - every. single. day - and he will never get over this.

I think - these guys, who would do anything for each other, know that of all of them, this loss is the biggest they'll ever have.

I think - with every throw of the football, every swing of the wiffle ball bat and every baseball hat worn, he is with them.

I know -  they know - that today (and every day), he is with them.

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