Sunday, November 17, 2013

Apples and Oranges

August 17, 2013-November 17, 2013
During these three months, I have:

um...well, I ...ah ...
oh right, remember that time when I ...
and, of course there was the day when they told me that I couldn't...
well, I think I sort of did that thing when I ...
...wait a minute!  I remember now.  I did the...
I'm pretty sure that when I had the ... um ... you know the ...
...well, I guess now that I think of it, I've not accomplished all that much.
Humph for me.

During these three months, my mom:

was on a boat and hit a wave. The boat went down, she went up and when she landed, she lost the ability to move or feel from the waist down.
was med-flighted/airlifted from the cape to Tufts Medical Center
had a successful surgery but was told that she may not walk again.
Yup.  I said that. 
left the hospital and Spaulding Rehab in record time and has been working her arse off to get better each minute.
didn't listen to anyone who said "you can't", "maybe you shouldn't", "I don't know if", or "I don't think you're ready to"...
is determined, each day, to do something that she's not been able to do the day before.
continues to "wow"her physical therapist each week.
has been told by her surgeon and neurologist that she is a "miracle".
Yup.  I said that.
is walking, driving, cooking and working.
Oh, and last night, she and my dad went to a big shin dig for my dad's work in Boston and ... um ... she danced.

That's what she's done in three months.

Do you feel like as much of a loser as me?

Yup.  I said that.

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