Sunday, November 17, 2013

Apples and Oranges

August 17, 2013-November 17, 2013
During these three months, I have:

um...well, I ...ah ...
oh right, remember that time when I ...
and, of course there was the day when they told me that I couldn't...
well, I think I sort of did that thing when I ...
...wait a minute!  I remember now.  I did the...
I'm pretty sure that when I had the ... um ... you know the ...
...well, I guess now that I think of it, I've not accomplished all that much.
Humph for me.

During these three months, my mom:

was on a boat and hit a wave. The boat went down, she went up and when she landed, she lost the ability to move or feel from the waist down.
was med-flighted/airlifted from the cape to Tufts Medical Center
had a successful surgery but was told that she may not walk again.
Yup.  I said that. 
left the hospital and Spaulding Rehab in record time and has been working her arse off to get better each minute.
didn't listen to anyone who said "you can't", "maybe you shouldn't", "I don't know if", or "I don't think you're ready to"...
is determined, each day, to do something that she's not been able to do the day before.
continues to "wow"her physical therapist each week.
has been told by her surgeon and neurologist that she is a "miracle".
Yup.  I said that.
is walking, driving, cooking and working.
Oh, and last night, she and my dad went to a big shin dig for my dad's work in Boston and ... um ... she danced.

That's what she's done in three months.

Do you feel like as much of a loser as me?

Yup.  I said that.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Giving Thanks

You know those toy cars that, when they bump up against a wall, they flip around and do whatever they need to do to keep moving forward? Well, that's my mom. And on another note, as I was driving in to Boston last night, I was thinking of this year's Thanksgiving grace. ...lots to be thankful for this year, folks. Lots to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Insert {Happy Dance} Here

Today is the day that my mom KNEW it would be. My dad had his doubts. (I have to admit that I did too.) MY MOM'S BACK BRACE IS OFF! THE BRACE IS OFF! THE BRACE IS OFF! Dad and Mom were talking to the surgeon today and there was an intern in the room. Dr. Weller was going over the specifics of the accident, the surgery, her recovery etc. and again, called her a "miracle". I'm sorry, folks, but that will never get old to me. That just doesn't happen every day! He said that in three months (her next appointment), she'll likely be 80%. By August (a year from the accident), she'll be at her "new normal", whatever that may be. Here's to hoping that her "new normal" and her "old normal" are the same...she apparently isn't very good at taking "no" for an answer so I'm feeling as if that might be the case. He did say that the neuropathy (horrific pain and discomfort in her feet) may not get any better. For many patients it does. However, due to the specifics of her specific injury, surgery and recovery, he's not feeling so hopeful. However, her response (of course) is "I don't believe him." And off she'll go - kicking ass. To be continued... I remember a day when I took my Usher Dupey (my mom's dad) to the hospital years ago. I can't remember the specifics (I think I blocked a lot of the day from my mind) but he hadn't been able to eat anything solid in quite a while. After a given amount of time, he had a follow-up appointment and he was sure that he was going to get the go-ahead to eat normally again. I can see him so vividly sitting in the doctor's office as the doctor told him that his body just wasn't ready yet. He was so defeated. So sad. So disappointed. That is one of the worst memories of my life and even though he eventually was fine again, it still makes me so sad to think of it. I never wanted to see him like that again. (Thankfully I didn't.) If I had to see my mom feel that same way, I don't know what I would do. I was worried that my mom would have one of those days today. I was so afraid that she'd be told that her body wasn't ready yet. Selfishly, I was glad that I was not the one to bring her to her appointment today. (Nice daughter I am, huh?) But now that THE BRACE IS OFF!!!, I see that, really, we have nothing to worry about. She has it all under control. We just need to watch her work her magic.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Par-Tay. Well, Not Really

I just picked up the bouncy house for the girls.
Now to keep it a surprise until Sunday.

What is it with me and surprises?  I don't like to be surprised all that much.  I have no idea why I am completely obsessed with surprising M and H. (If you are with me on a regular basis, you know what I mean.  If you are not with me on a regular basis, consider yourself lucky - for many reasons.)

Anyway, I am loving the idea of the girls' bday this year.  They will be 11 on 11/11.  At 11:20 and 11:22.   Too bad it's not 2011. (Poor planning on our part.)

Anyway, they have rehearsal on Sunday and so, before and after, some FSPA buds are coming over.  Really, that's the whole day.  We have nothing officially "birthday-ish" planned.  It's not even a "birthday party".  They've never really been fans of having "birthday parties".  In fact, the last one they had was when they were in first grade, I think.  Maybe even kindergarten.  We got home and they agreed that it was fun but really nothing they had to do again.  It didn't take much more than that to convince us.  Money saved.  Thanks, girls.

This day will be no different than any other time they have this crew come over.   (Well, except for the bouncy house. I guess we don't typically have that parked out back.  Other than that, I mean).

But really, they'll make countless action movies and music videos.  They will ask their buddy, J, how "life on the road" is. (He's playing "Chip" in Beauty and the Beast and, as luck would have it, is home for three weeks.  How terribly convenient!  They are so excited for him but can't wait for his run to be over so that he can come home again!!)

They will all dance (and bounce) and sing (and bounce) and eat cake and pizza (and bounce).  The shin-dig will be interrupted because they all have to go to rehearsal at FSPA for a bit and then they'll all come back and hang (and bounce) some more.  (And if it rains, ah well.  It's the thought that counts.)

It's sure to be the easiest, no fuss, day ever.  In fact, we probably won't see them at all - except to drive them to and from FSPA.  And even then, they won't pay all the much attention to us.  Isn't that what "11" is, after all?  Mom and Dad Who?

I love that they don't feel the need to make a big deal about their b-day.

I'd like to think that they feel that way because every day is a party.  Why shouldn't it be when you're 11?

And on a completely unrelated note, I'm home early today.  I am equally in love with Rob Lowe and Ellen Degeneres.

Monday, November 4, 2013


2 kids + 2 grandparents + weekend = happiness
1 wife + 1 husband + weekend (without kids) = happiness
(No offense, kids...)

Win (for them).  Win (for them).  Win (for us).

Every time we had a moment last week, our conversation inevitably ended up with something like "remember that Nonie WANTS to be 1,807 mph as she's used to.  But she's not (just yet)."

"We know.  Don't worry."

But we did.  I didn't talk to my mom today (and only talked to her for a bit yesterday).  I'm sure she was beyond exhausted.  And yet, she'd never complain.  Love.

This weekend, for H, M and my parents, was just what it "should" be.  Not because anyone expects it to be but just because that's how they've always done "their weekends" for years.  Going here.  Going there.  Shopping here, there and everywhere.  Movies.  Dinners out.  Take out.  Church.  FSPA.  Staying up late.  Cooking.  You name it.  They do it.  This weekend was something that I wasn't sure they'd ever be able to do again.  And they did it.  M and H haven't stopped smiling.  And so, neither have we.  Love.

Every time we talked to the girls, they regaled us with more and more stories.  It made my heart smile.  Love. 

And while they were having a blast and a half, so were we.  Love.

We started the weekend by celebrating the beginnings of a theater downtown, "The Black Box."  Although I have nothing to do with the why's, how's or what's of this black box, I am infinitely proud of all those that do.  Their determination and "don't take no's" are a lesson to watch and admire.  I am beyond excited for this and can't wait for this next chapter.  We celebrated this night with friends, many of whom we consider family.  While so many there asked where my parents were, I knew that they were just where they belong.  As much as they'd have liked to have joined in the festivities, they (at that point) were home in the pjs, eating popcorn, cuddling and watching movies with "the rugrats" aka "the goobers".  Love.

The next day, G and I hit the road for Newport, one of our favorite places, to celebrate out 16th anniversary.  As horrifyingly old as that makes me feel, we had a blast (as I knew we would).  I can only liken myself to the Hungry Little Catepillar.   We just kept eating and drinking our way across the city.  With all of Newport Restaurant Week at our disposal all day and night, I opted to end the night with six powdered mini-donuts from 7eleven as we walked home.  Sometimes I love myself with my choices.  The weather was gorg, the food (including the 99 cent donuts) and drink yum and the company quite great as well.  (As much as I say he drives me nuts - and I'm sure he does the same of me - we're really a match made in Heaven.  I don't know who else would put up with either of us!!)  Love.

Our bed and breakfast was perfect, minus the woman I yelled at at 8am.  (I can't do the story justice here.  The next time you see me, ask.  I'll still be fired up about her.  Idiot.)  Other than this dumbass...Love.

We came home on Sunday, picked up the girls and off I went to spend the afternoon with my oldest and dearest buds (minus one).   We pick up where we left off.  Every single time.  Love.

Today, it was sadly back to reality.  Don't get me wrong.  My daily grind's not all that stressful.  But it's weekends like this that make you want to rewind and do it all over again.  Love.

Except for the dumbass...don't want to do that over again.  (Although seeing G's face after I yelled at her...that'd be fun to see again.) 

Love (with a little splash of crazy).