Saturday, January 2, 2016

Second Day of Zero

On my run yesterday morning, (I should have run much longer...I have a lot of calories to burn today...) it occurred to me that I haven't written here in quite a while.

Not sure why.  
But I guess I'm back. 

Today is my second day of 44.  
My first day of 44 rocked it.  

I cooked and I ran.  Two of my favorite things to do - which is why I must do the latter on a regular basis.
We had a house full of family and friends for New Year's Day/my birthday.  
I laughed and hugged all day.  
The Village that I can call mine is incredible and I am blessed beyond measure.  
I never take this for granted. 
Pinky swear.

But really, yesterday rocked it because Eleanor Rose Burnett was born.  
She is delicious and has two of the best peeps for parents, my cousins, you could ever pray to have.  
I can't wait to meet her and kiss off her face.  
I mean, really.  I might kiss off her whole stinkin' face.

She is named after my Auntie Ellie (my cousin's Nonnie) and, for that reason alone, she is destined to have the best and biggest heart in the land. 
This also means that she is destined to have the best lipstick and biggest glasses in the land. 
But we need to give her some time.  This is just her second day of 0.

And on this, her second day of 0, I pledge to make this world a better place for Ellie. 
In my own little way.  
By loving on her and making sure she knows how much this family of ours loves her. 
'Cuz no joke, I love her so much, my heart is hurting. 

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