Sunday, March 8, 2015


Last night, a dear friend of mine, (I'll call him Pzoni - the "z" is silent - to protect his anonymity) suggested that I start a blog. I couldn't BELIEVE that he didn't know that I HAVE a blog.
How could he now KNOW this about me?

It made me wonder about all of the other things about me that he doesn't know.

Like, I am deathly afraid of not seeing my girls, their babies and their babies' babies grow up.
It sometimes keeps me awake at night.
Every night, I end my prayers with "let me see my children and grandchildren and my great-grandchildren laugh and play".

Like, I will eat anything once.  And more than likely I'll love it.

Like, I am obsessed with watching prison shows.
And probably because of this...

Like, I sleep with my old softball bat underneath our bed when Guy is away.

Like, in college, I saw Winger perform at some seedy club in Providence and I weasled my way to the front row.  I may or may not have grabbed Kip Winger's thigh while he was performing.   Shoot. - I can't remember what he said to me but he said something...I'll have to try to remember.  I was teased about it for months afterwards.

Like, Guy is the exact type of husband I pictured when I imagined who I'd marry. My imaginary husband, however, wasn't quite as much of a sports nut as the real one.  Go Pats!!

Like, when I eat a bowl of Fruity Pebbles, I am freakishly happy.  Happier than I should be, for sure.

Like, I regret every day that I stopped "really playing the piano" as soon as my senior recital was over.

Like, one of my favorite movies, by far, is "Mommy Dearest".  I'm not sure what that says about me.

Like, I ran my first marathon in 4:12 and my second in 4:07.  I am obsessed (especially on my runs) by the fact that I'm not training to shave off :07 in "one last marathon" to see if I could break four hours.  I recognize that this is stupid and I should either get over it or run another one.  Instead, I'll just write about it here.

Like, the minute I finish reading a book, I can't tell you a thing about it.  It's like I never read it.

Like, I can no longer watch "Ghost, or "The Outsiders" or "Dirty Dancing". It just makes me so sad that he is dead.

Like, when I make Guy laugh, I am always so proud of myself.  'Cuz I'm wicked funny.

Like, I would pack a bag right now and move us to Italy (Guy thinks I'm kidding but I'm totally serious) if we could pawn our house off on someone for six months.  You only live once.

Like, if I didn't have the job I have now (which I honestly can't imagine), I would love to be an interior decorator.  I wouldn't be good at it, I don't think, but that's what I'd want to be.

Like, I seem really nice and kind.  And I am.  But not always.

Like, I'm starving. So, The End.

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