Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who Knew?

They were little.
Itty bitties.
I forget who was where exactly but one of them was sitting on the couch with Guy.
The other one was upstairs taking a nap.
Suddenly, the one on the couch said to Guy, "Daddy, sister up."
Guy didn't think much of it but knew that "the sister" was still upstairs sleeping.
A few minutes later, again, "Daddy, sister up."  No noises from upstairs.  Nothing.
He walked over to the stairs and sure enough, around the corner from their bedroom came "sister". Awake from her nap, just as was being announced a few minutes prior.

Who knew?
The Sister did.

If you catch them just right in the middle of the night, you'll sometimes hear them talking a language that is certainly no language I've ever heard.  It's clear that one is asking questions and the other is answering her questions, simply by the inflection in their voices.  It only lasts for a minute but it is quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever heard.

A few mornings ago, Hannah wasn't feeling well.  She rebounded early afternoon and was outside playing, doing homework and having a grand ol' day.  Guy and I thought she was on the mend.  Later that night, we were all watching tv and Hannah fell asleep. (It wasn't all that unusual - she's a sleeper and can fall asleep at an alarming speed, especially when relaxing with her Daddio).  She hadn't even stirred yet and Maddie got up from the couch and walked over to her.  The look of sadness and stress in Maddie's face was impossible to not notice.  Two seconds later, Hannah woke up. Miserable and feeling terrible all over again.

Who knew?
The Sister did.

Ever since they were little, when one is "brave", the other is "afraid".
And for the next go-round, the roles become reversed.  One is confident while the other is hesitant.

Who knew it'd be such a wild ride with these two?

Who knew?
The Sisters did.

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