Wednesday, January 7, 2015

..."these are a few of my favorite things..."

This week in my musical theater classes, I asked all of my students to tell us a favorite memory of their winter break.  I only let them each share one memory- otherwise, we'd be there until NEXT winter break.

Vacation seems as if it happened forever ago.  So, I'm going to think about some of my favorite memories and pretend that they're still happening.

...And I'm going to think about more than one...'cuz this blog is all about me...

1. Walking around Beacon Hill with my Four Family.
2.  Watching Hannah and Maddie decide the perfect thing to buy in Boston with their own Christmas present money.
3.  Sitting in our family room with some of "the original" Broadway Light and those that loved us then and now.
4.  Watching old family movies with my cousins on Christmas.
5.  Sitting in my kitchen on Christmas Day with friends - who are really family.
6.  Not wanting to have a birthday (or a birthday party...) but then being so happy each time someone else showed up.
7.  Automatically waking up at 6:00 and going back to sleep until 8:00.
8.  Singing the annual "Twelve Days of Christmas" on Christmas Eve.
9.  Watching and listening to my dad and Uncle Freddie play a game that I've not seen them play in years.  It is pronounced "mortah" but I really have no idea how to spell it.  (Even google can't help me.)
10. Seeing Maddie and Hannah in their pjs with bedhead all day long.
11.  Painting Hannah's dresser for her new room.
12.  Finding "the perfect" rug for Maddie.
13.  Playing Headbands with my cousins and laughing so hard my head hurt.
14.  Cooking.  A lot.
15.  Knowing that the first thing Hannah would do each morning, no matter what, is plug in the Christmas tree lights.
16.  Seeing Hannah and Maddie's faces as they settled in to their ""own rooms" for the first time.
17.  New Year's Eve traditions.
18.  Sitting at our office brunch, laughing.  And laughing.  And laughing.  (And not necessarily at my expense this year!)
19.  Asking their girls and a BFF when we were at the movies if they wanted me to sit with or without them and hearing an emphatic "with!"
20.  Knowing that I'll do it all again next year.

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