Monday, December 8, 2014

Patty and Nancy

I am the first person (and truly I mean that) to say that our children are very easy children to raise. I have never, not ever for a moment, taken this for granted.  Somehow, the planets aligned (or my mother's prayers were answered) and we've been given an easy parenting road.  I know that we are only twelve years in and things may change in a millisecond but until then, just follow my lead.

They are easy going, flexible, polite, respectful, well-mannered, funny, smart, kind, talented, courteous and down-right nice kids.

However, they are driving me effing crazy.

The thing is, right now, they are each displaying the two things about myself that I dislike the most.  At the same time. 

Sweet Baby Jesus, I can't take it.

If you ask me, I only become Miss Passive Aggressive Patty (aka Hannah) with my poor husband.  He's been dealing with it for decades. I think he's resigned himself to the fact that I will not tell him when something is bothering me. Instead, I will let it stew and soak and will not be happy until I allow every. single. move. he. makes. to bother me and bring it back to whatever is at the core of my issue.  He loves when I do that.  Just ask him. 

And I really don't think that I am Do It My Way or No Way Nancy (aka Maddie) anymore.  I used to be as a kid - just ask Amy about the Snoopy umbrella...I was a disaster.  I realized that I had to stop being the boss of life and that things would be okay if someone else called the shots.  I became so okay with it that I now (unfortunately) don't like to make any decisions about anything and would rather let others do it around me.  At times, this can be equally disastrous (minus the Snoopy umbrella).  It's difficult being me.  ;)

Anyway, the long and the short of it is, if you see me wandering down Main Street, it's because I have very little patience (and by that I mean no patience) when these two gorgy girls of mine don't get along.  It may only last for a moment while other families deal with similar behavior like this for hours on end.  Every day. 

Well, I don't care how much others have to deal with it.  I only care about how much I have to deal with it.  'Cuzitsallaboutme, remember?

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