Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Lady and Her Prince

A year ago today, a dear friend and his wife (well, I say friends but really they are family to us) heard the word no one ever wants to hear.


The prognosis was not good.  Stage Four.
I remember exactly where I was when I found out.  I remember where I stood when we talked on the phone the next day.  I remember not wanting to call.  To give them time.  They were so far away.  But I remember just needing to hear their voices.  I remember trying to be strong on the phone but knowing damn well that I was anything but at that moment.  I remember when we told our girls.  Oh, God.  That was one of the worst moments of my life.

[I'm sorry.  Say that again?  This can't be right.  You must be mistaken.  This isn't happening.]

The long and the short of it is that he is, by nothing short of a miracle (if you ask me) cancer free today.  And stronger than you and I will ever be.

[I'm sorry.  Say that again?  This can't be right.  You must be mistaken.  This isn't happening.]

The thing is, there was quite simply no. way. he was going to let cancer win.  And it didn't. 

I don't mean any disrespect to anyone.  (Some that I know and love now as I sit and type are fighting the battle of their lives).

They are just as strong as he.  They pray just as hard as he.  They think positive thoughts just as much as he.  They should win too.

Who can ever even begin to understand why some people suffer and others don't?
Who can ever even begin to understand why horrible things happen to great people?
Who can ever even being to understand why some people "win" and others don't?

We never will understand.

But I do understand this.

If ever in a situation like this, I will never give up.  I will never let the people around me give up.  I've seen things that I never thought possible, become possible.

When my mom was going through her whole ordeal a little over a year ago (remember when she couldn't walk...yah, crazy, huh?) Well, not walking, for her, was simply not. an. option. She never gave up.  If she had given up, it's likely that she wouldn't have allowed herself to be given the amazing gift of walking again. But she didn't.  And she did.  And she is.

And so is he.  He, like her, is proof of what can happen when you don't give up.

It doesn't always happen.  The good guy doesn't always win.  But at least in the end, if you don't give up, you can say that you gave it all you could. 

I love this man with all my heart.  I love his wife to the moon and back.

They are a Lady and her Prince.  And I love them both with every breath I take. 

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