Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Ride

I remember very vividly the first time I rode my bike down Union Street, on my own, without my parents. 
I remember being so excited as I "raced" down (what seemed at the time) a monstrously dangerous hill, by myself. 
I remember feeling very grown up and free.

This weekend, down the Cape (or "on" Cape, as some say...this always makes me laugh...) we spent a lot of time on our bikes - G, H, M and me. 
I was nearly always "the caboose", with G, H and M taking turns in the front.  It sort of just happened this way.  It wasn't intentional, but this was a great vantage point for me.  I was able to spend a lot of time just looking and watching my family. 
I couldn't always hear what they were talking about but there was a lot of laughter, goofing around, smiles between the girls and their Daddio.  I loved watching them - for hours.

You can't script those moments.  But they are ones that I cherish.  I try to catch as many as I can.  I try to soak in every moment with this Four Family of mine.  I know they're still young and (even as they get older) we will still have these moments.  It's just that, I feel as if, in a blink,  they will be "riding on their own". 

I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. 

I clearly am feeling a bit overly sentimental...and I'm not even drinking any wine...

...maybe I should be...

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