Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Thank You Easter Bunny. Bok Bok"

This morning on my run, I was crabby.  Definitely, a "big fat crabby pants" as I lovingly call our daughters from time to time.  I was freezing cold because (silly me) I was dressed as if it were spring and not frickin' the middle of the winter. I wanted it to be done and over with.  And five miles earlier

As I was nearly done, I ran by the house of some of our Forever Friends.  We have known this family literally for nearly "forever" and love them to bits.

As I turned the corner, I saw the dad planting daffodils.  Beautiful, bright yellow daffodils.  They struck me because they were so warm and "spring-y" even though nothing else about the moment was.

I, of course stopped to chat because a) I love to chat and b) I love this man.

We only chatted for about five minutes.  But in those five minutes, my entire perspective of my run changed.  Heck - my entire perspective on lots of things was tweaked a bit.

We talked about so many things - from Jesus to the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. (Don't ask - you had to be there).

In those five minutes, we had some very serious moments (I waited to cry until I ran away) and we had some funny moments.  (This man is truly hysterical in so many ways).  I will spend the rest of the day (and more) thinking of his words.

Anyway, life is funny.  You just need to keep your eyes open. It's so easy to miss life's blessings because we're not paying attention.  They come when you least expect it.

Today, I was blessed to spend a few minutes with a dear, dear man.  An early Easter present.  Lucky lucky me.

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