Thursday, March 27, 2014


Say what you want about Facebook.
It's like anything else.
It's not perfect. It can surely be:
a) annoying, b) frustrating, c) scary d) bordering illegal and freakish. Need I go on?

But it's like anything else.

You can get all caught up in what doesn't work and forget about the good stuff.
If you ask me, life's too short to do that.
Life's too short to do that about a lot of stuff.
(Am I suddenly on a soapbox? I don't mean to be.)

Today I spent (way more time than I should have) reminiscing with folks from high school and with folks that I taught when they were in high school (God, I am old) after seeing photos posted on Facebook.

It reminded me of some really funny times (and is also reminded me of some times that I apparently don't remember at all.) 

Anyway, thank you, Facebook - for reminding me that life's too short not to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.  Then and now. 

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