Thursday, March 27, 2014


Say what you want about Facebook.
It's like anything else.
It's not perfect. It can surely be:
a) annoying, b) frustrating, c) scary d) bordering illegal and freakish. Need I go on?

But it's like anything else.

You can get all caught up in what doesn't work and forget about the good stuff.
If you ask me, life's too short to do that.
Life's too short to do that about a lot of stuff.
(Am I suddenly on a soapbox? I don't mean to be.)

Today I spent (way more time than I should have) reminiscing with folks from high school and with folks that I taught when they were in high school (God, I am old) after seeing photos posted on Facebook.

It reminded me of some really funny times (and is also reminded me of some times that I apparently don't remember at all.) 

Anyway, thank you, Facebook - for reminding me that life's too short not to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.  Then and now. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Eternal Doors and Windows

Last night, G was finishing up some work in the kitchen and the girls and I were just sitting down to a few minutes of Food Network before they headed off to bed.

H proceeded to stand directly in front of me, completely blocking my view of the tv.

I said to her, "H, you know what Usher Dupey would say."

Without hesitation, she said, "you make a better door than a window."

Without missing a beat, H moved over so I could see, M continued eating her snack before bed and G chuckled from the kitchen after hearing her.

And I took a breath and smiled.

He never met them. But he knows them. And they know him.

And for this, I am eternally grateful.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


In case you've wondered, I have not a) hit the road and become a Maroon Five/Adam Levine groupie b) taken the plunge and moved our family to Italy for a year as I have suggested to my dear husband who thinks I'm nuts or c) decided I'd rather spend my time solving alogrithms and theorems about the earth's gravitational...oh who am I kidding? I don't even know how to make up a sentence about that, let alone try to solve it!

I've missed this. My silly little blog. Not sure how I found the time to write every day when I first started. I guess right NOW, I can blame my ridiculous obsession with watching "Breaking Bad". But that just started three days ago. I honestly can't wait to get home each night to watch some more. Poor Walt. He, as our daughters say, is making some bad choices...

Anyway, here I am. What's been happening?

H and M spent two weekends last month with FSPA folks in New York City. They loved taking workshops, performing and just having a grand ol' time with their buddies and can't wait to go back. I LOVE that they love the city. So do I (which I find highly entertaining.)

They are both contact wearers now. As silly as it seems, I love that when I hug and kiss them, my whole cheek can touch their whole cheek and not their glasses. I'm sure that they don't appreciate my rubbing my face up against theirs but it's just a new phenomenon for me. It will get old. Until then, they need to suck it up and let me rub away.

My mom is a rockstar and continues to work and play like a champ - even though she's definitely not 100%, as they say. She and my dad have joined a gym and they go every day. (Some days she goes twice...but that's just to make sure that my dad goes...!!) :) She is done with "western" treatments as none have really seemed to work and she is (understandably) losing her sense of humor about it all. She is now trying out acupuncture and unconventional type things. Just as everyone who has worked with her has done, her acupuncturist LOVES her and keeps her twice as long as she should each week- simply because. Love her.

Because I don't have enough to do, I am working a few hours a week at Artistry Kitchen - my new fav place. Check it out! Way fab! I will be working in their market and I may hostess in their bistro (AK Bistro) every now and again. Considering that, as a child, all I dreamed of was being the hostess at Pipinelles (no joke), I am very excited. They are throwing the idea around of my writing their blog as well. I am worried that writing their blog will require that I not write like such a knucklehead. I'm not sure if I know how to do that - but I'll certainly give it a whirl, if they'd like!! To be continued.

I loved my "first day" last weekend. Fun folks, food, something new - what's not to love? I realized though, that I've not REALLY had to learn much of anything (other than how to be a parent which - truth be told with these two - is sort of easy most of the time) for over 20 years. It's funny to be on the "other side" of training folks and solving problems. Obviously, I learn every day in the classroom and at FSPA but this is different and out of my comfort zone. But now that I think about it, in his new job, I'm dealing with food - so, how can I go wrong, right? Have I mentioned that I'm hungry? When's breakfast?

I told the folks at Artistry Kitchen (who I know quite well as they are FSPA moms) that, while my time at FSPA is quite flexible and my boss is awesome, I obviously can't work "here" when I'm supposed to be at work "there". I said it while pointing to FSPA, which is (of course) just down the street from AK. (Why would I ever wander far from home?) And then, just as I promised, at the end of my first day, I told them, "oh, and I can't work next weekend." In some folks' reality, this would get them fired. In mine, it provides a good laugh and a story. I'm usually good for that, if nothing else.

G is great - his work is busy and nuts but he's knockin' 'em dead and making some changes to how DOT gets things done. Yay him! I don't take for granted how amazing his schedule is. He is home every night for dinner (sometimes even when the girls and I are not) and every weekend. We are very fortunate. He is banging away at the drums whenever he can (much to H and M's dismay) and he makes me laugh (at least most of the time.) He's playing basketball on occasion and will likely start up softball again soon. If he hurts his knee (again), he knows to expect no sympathy from me. I MAY get him some ice and advil but only if the spirit moves me.

I'm sorry that we broke up for a little while - me and you. I will try to be more attentive. Except when "Breaking Bad" is on - then Walt needs all my attention. What a mess that guy is. And I don't imagine he'll get out of it any time soon.