Monday, December 9, 2013

O Christmas Tree

Three-year-old Maddie's handprint. Love.
The glittery pine cone I made with my mom when I was five.
The Nutcracker from Corey.  He was my student fifteen years ago.  I wonder where he is now.
The "Merry Christmas In Your New Home" sparkly house.  Our house isn't so new anymore.  But it still is merry.
Hannah's kindergarten photo in the middle of a handmade frame.  What a little babe.
The mini Diet Coke can.
The one that goes front and center each year - a photo of H and M when they were two weeks old, stuffed in to a red box with bows on their heads.  (My mom was a little bit obsessed with ridiculous photos of them back then.  It makes us giggle every time we see it.)

H and M's special ones mailed from Santa each year.
Baby's First Christmas ones in pairs.
My pug.
Too many to count from a family near and dear to us. 
There's something about a Christmas tree. 
So many ornaments.  So many stories.
It's hard to explain. But if you have one, I think you understand.

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