Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It occurs to me as I sit here at my desk that G and I have spent over 25 New Years Eves together. That's a whole lotta of auld lang synes. Although he insists that the thought of being together MUST have occurred to me already, he "professed his undying love" for me on New Years Eve at Michael Dorsey's house in 1990. (Well, as much as a 20-year-old in a NKOTB t-shirt can do.) Truthfully, the thought had never occurred to me. But the minute he spoke a few words, it became painfully clear to me that I had missed something that was right in front of me the whole time. We got engaged on New Years Eve in 1996. We were with our best friends in Newton. I was completely surprised. To this day, that still bothers him. He says "damn (and by that I mean WTF), you mean I still had a little bit of time left?" (As if six years wasn't time enough?!) Going back in the Way Back Machine, my parents were on their way to a NYE party in 1971, when I decided that being born three months early would be a good idea...clearly they didn't make it to champagne and Mr. Dick Clark that year. I was so premature (and remember this was a looooong time ago), my parents didn't even get a new fridge or toaster oven for having one of the first babies born in 1972. They weren't sure if I'd survive - who was in the mood for celebrating? Clearly, all's well that ends well. But I'm sure they'd have liked a new appliance or two. ... Talk about making an entrance. In any event, NYE has always meant a lot to me. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, be safe tonight. Be with folks that you care about and that care about you. Be happy and kind. Be the best person you can be. Tonight and always. Here's to a New Year. B'bye 2013. It's been an adventure.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Merry Christmas

Today, I got a glimpse of the best Christmas present ever. 
If you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about.
If you don't, believe me - 
Best. Gift. Ever. 

Sorry for being vague.  You all know I don't like when folks do that (especially on facebook) but that's the way it is this time 'round.

It's taking all I have to not scream of my glee from the facebook rooftops. 

Instead, I'll just never. stop. smiling.

Monday, December 9, 2013

O Christmas Tree

Three-year-old Maddie's handprint. Love.
The glittery pine cone I made with my mom when I was five.
The Nutcracker from Corey.  He was my student fifteen years ago.  I wonder where he is now.
The "Merry Christmas In Your New Home" sparkly house.  Our house isn't so new anymore.  But it still is merry.
Hannah's kindergarten photo in the middle of a handmade frame.  What a little babe.
The mini Diet Coke can.
The one that goes front and center each year - a photo of H and M when they were two weeks old, stuffed in to a red box with bows on their heads.  (My mom was a little bit obsessed with ridiculous photos of them back then.  It makes us giggle every time we see it.)

H and M's special ones mailed from Santa each year.
Baby's First Christmas ones in pairs.
My pug.
Too many to count from a family near and dear to us. 
There's something about a Christmas tree. 
So many ornaments.  So many stories.
It's hard to explain. But if you have one, I think you understand.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Just Keepin' It Real

This morning, we were down a car so I asked my mom to pick up the girls and me and bring us to school and work respectively. As I sat in her passenger seat, I couldn't stop looking at her feet. They worked the gas and brake pedals like nobody's business. I just couldn't believe that she was driving again. And so easily. And comfortably. I was so proud of her. She looked like a million bucks. And she even had the time to do her hair and make-up. So proud. ... Then ... I looked again and saw that she had on black pants, black shoes ... and white socks. I guess even miracles make fashion faux pas every now and again. It's a good thing she loves me - otherwise, I think she'd have thrown me out of the car.